KANELL Bespoke PASTEL BLUE Vintage Ribs

21,780 (税込)
商品番号 0201-VS23H
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KANELLから経年変化をお楽しみ頂けるVintage Ribsが入荷して参りました!
今回のVintage Ribsはいつものとは少し違った染色方法になり世界最古のブルーと
呼ばれているPastel Blueになります。
Pastel Blueはホソバタイセイを用いて染方になり、16世紀末に唯一ブルーを表現できるとのことで
この丸めた染料は金と同じぐらいに貴重な物として扱われており、Pastel Blueは富の象徴とも言われており
ナポレンが軍隊の制服をPastel Blueを使用しましたが、発酵させながら染色作業は中々安定したカラーが出ず
その技術が無くなりつつあるところに数名の方が伝統技術を受け継ぎこの『Pastel Blue』が復活しました。
現代でもこのPastel Blueの技術を扱える職人さんは数名程しか存在しておりません。
そんな拘り抜いたPastel Blueを今回はVintage Ribsに染めて頂いた別注になります。
Vintage Ribsのサイズ感は全体がリブ編みになっており、着初めはピッタリとフィットした感じですが
お洗濯もご家庭の洗濯機でお洗濯もでき、着込んだり洗う度にPastel Blueが色褪せていき
インディゴ染とはまた違った雰囲気のある伝統的なPastel Blueに染たVintage Ribsです!

KANELL is pleased to announce the arrival of Vintage Ribs, which can be enjoyed as they age!
This Vintage Ribs is dyed in a slightly different way from the usual, Pastel Blue, which is called the oldest blue in the world.
Pastel Blue is dyed by using the Hosobataisei leaves, and it was very popular in Europe at the end of 16th century because it was the only way to express the blue color.
After the leaves are picked, they are ground, dried, and the fibers are fermented to make a large ball of dye.
This rounded dye is treated as valuable as gold, and pastel blue is said to be a symbol of wealth, so Napoleon used pastel blue for his army uniforms. The traditional technique was passed down to the next generation, and the “Pastel Blue” was revived.
Even today, there are only a few craftsmen who can handle the Pastel Blue technique.
This is a special order of Pastel Blue dyed by Vintage Ribs.
The details are the same as usual, with double layers of fabric used on the shoulders to prevent sagging and reinforcement, and can be worn for many years with no deterioration.
Also, the length is set a little shorter, which is easy to wear for Japanese physique.
Vintage Ribs has a ribbed weave throughout its size, and although it fits snugly at first, as time goes by, it will adjust to your body and gently wrap around your body.
It is perfect for casual wear with bermudas such as Resolute or baker pants.
You can wash it in your washing machine at home, and the pastel blue color will fade every time you wear it or wash it, and it will become a piece with more atmosphere than ever.
Vintage Ribs dyed in the traditional Pastel Blue color, which has a different atmosphere from Indigo dyeing!

KANELL Bespoke PASTEL BLUE Vintage Ribs Blog
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S:身幅 42cm 着丈 58cm 肩幅 43cm 袖丈 51cm
M:身幅 46cm 着丈 61cm 肩幅 46cm 袖丈 53cm
L:身幅 50cm 着丈 65cm 肩幅 50cm 袖丈 55.5cm

コットン 100%


S:Chest 16.5inch Center back length 22.8inch Shoulder width 16.9inch Sleeve length 20.0inch
M:Chest 18.1inch Center back length 24.0inch Shoulder width 18.1inch Sleeve length 20.8inch
L:Chest 19.6inch Center back length 25.5inch Shoulder width 19.6inch Sleeve length 21.8inch

Cotton 100%

Country of origin
Made in France

Rule of a overseas sale (海外発送について)